pp108 : Business Measure Composite Control Properties Interface

Business Measure Composite Control Properties Interface

This topic describes the various fields and APIs on Properties pane of a Business Measure Composite Control.

The Business Measure Composite Control Properties Interface helps in configuring properties of composite control.

Table 1. Fields on the Properties Interface of Business Measure Composite Control for Graph

Field Name



Specify chart title. Title property is not applicable for Angular gauge and Linear gauge. You may use XForms label for the same.


Specify one of the following view types:

  • Line Chart: To display the view as Line chart
  • Bar Chart: To display the view as Bar chart
  • Pyramid: To display the view as Pyramid
  • Pie Chart: To display the view as Pie2D Chart
  • Stacked Bar Chart: To display the view as Stacked Bar Chart. A Stacked Bar Chart displays the results of multiple queries stacked on top of one another and usually used for showing relative quantity with respect to whole. For example: In an Order-to-Cash _process, you would like to visualize _Units in Stock and Units on Order for a Product. You can make a Business Measure with the following query: Select Avg(UnitsInStock) In Stock, Avg(UnitsOnOrder) OnOrder From Orders Group by ProductID. For visualizing the same you can make use of view type Stacked Bar Chart and the resultant view will show Units In Stock and Units on Order stacked on top of one another.
  • Combinational Chart: To display the view as Combinational Chart. Combinational chart displays different plots on the same y-axis.
  • Combinational Dual-Y Chart: To display the view as Combinational Dual Y Chart. Combinational Dual Y chart displays different plots on the two y-axes.

    If you select Combinational Dual-Y Chart, then the Secondary Y-Axis Caption text box appears under Y-Axis Caption. Enter a caption for the Secondary Y-Axis.

    Line Chart appears by default.

Render View on load

Select this option if you want to render the view while the page loads.

Chart Details > Select X-Axis Fields

Click . The Select X-Axis Fields dialog box appears. You may refer to Select X-Axis Field Interface for filling in the fields. Select an X-axis field and click OK.


  1. If you want to view a Business Measure having multiple Group by clause, select multiple X-axis fields of the Business Measure and visualize it in the Dashboard. The selected X-axis field name(s) appear in text box next to Chart Details > X-Axis Caption.
  2. You can select multiple X-axis fields only for Line Chart, Bar Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Combinational Chart, and Combinational Dual-Y Chart view types.
  3. If you want to configure drill-down to Process Monitoring Object Instances from the Business Measure, select group by fields as X-axis fields, and aggregate functions as Y-axis filelds. If you select the fields in reverse order you get an error at run-time.

For example: In an Order-to-Cash process, say you would like to visualize Total Orders by CustomerGroup per Year. For this, you can build a Business Measure with the following query:
Select Count(OrderID), CustomerGroup, from Orders group by CustomerGroup, datepart(Year, OrderDate).
While selecting the X-axis fields, you can specify CustomerGroup as Primary X-axis and Year as Secondary X-axis. The resultant view will have data grouped based on Primary X-axis and Secondary X-axis with Primary X-axis shown as the label and Secondary X-axis as the legend.

Chart Details > X-Axis Caption

The selected X-Axis field name(s) appear in text box next to X-Axis Caption.

The X-Axis Caption is not available for Pyramid and Pie charts.

Chart Details > Select Y-Axis Fields

Click . The Select Y-Axis Fields dialog box appears. Refer Select Y-Axis Field Interface for information about the fields that display, and fill in the appropriate fields. Select the Y-axis field and click OK.


  1. To view a Business Measure having multiple Group by clause, select multiple Y-axis fields of the Business Measure and visualize it in the Dashboard.
  2. Selection of multiple Y-axis fields is supported for only the Line Chart, Bar Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Combinational Chart, and Combinational Dual-Y Chart view types. It is not possible to select multiple Y-axis fields for the Pyramid Chart and Pie 2D Chart view types.

For example: In an Order-to-Cash process, say you would like to visualize Total Orders and Order Amount by Month. For this, you can build a Business Measure with following query:
Select Count(OrderID) TotalOrders, Sum(OrderAmount) OrderAmount, Datepart(Month, OrderDate) Month From Orders Group by Datepart(Month, OrderDate).

  • If you select the Combinational Chart view type, then, while selecting the Y-axis fields, you have to specify the view type for each field (OrderID, OrderAmount) from the available options (Line, Bar, and Area chart). The resultant view will plot both the fields on Y-axis.
  • If you select the Combinational Dual Y Chart view type, select one field (OrderID) as the Primary Y-axis and other field (OrderAmount) as the Secondary Y-axis. Specify view types for them. The resultant view will plot, (OrderID) on Primary Y-axis (Left side) and (OrderAmount) on Secondary Y-axis (Right side).

Chart Details > Y-Axis Caption

The selected Y-axis field name(s) appear in text box next to Y-Axis Caption.

The Y-Axis Caption feature is not available for the Pyramid and Pie charts.

X-Axis Label Style

Select one of the following to specify the display style of the X-axis label:

  • Truncate: To display the truncated label.
  • Rotate: To display the Rotated label. Displays the labels vertically.
  • Slant: To display the label in Slant. Displays the labels at 45 degrees angle.
  • Stagger: To display the Stagger label. Displays the labels in multiple lines.
  • Wrap: To display the Wrapped label. If enough space is not available on the chart, the text of the labels will be trimmed and an ellipses (...) is added at the end and would show tool-tips for those labels.

    The X-Axis Label Style feature is not available for the Pyramid and Pie charts.

Business Object Element

Click . The Select Business Object Element dialog box appears. Select one of the output parameters as the Business Object element and click OK. The selected output parameter appears in the text box corresponding to the Business Object Element.

The icon is enabled only if the Is Transactional check box is selected.

Time Frame

By default, the defined time-frame appears in the Business Measure. If required, you can edit it.

Input Parameter

The value of the attribute for which you need dynamic input while designing the dashboard (as specified in Business Measure). You have to type in the input values, depending on the parameter and its data type.

Table 2. Fields on the Properties Interface of Business Measure Composite Control for KPI

Field Name



Specify chart title. The Title property is not applicable for Angular gauge and Linear gauge. You can use XForms label for the same.


Specify one of the following as the View type:

  • Angular Gauge: To display the view as Angular Gauge
  • Linear Gauge: To display the view as Linear Gauge
  • Vertical Bullet: To display the view as Vertical Bullet
  • Horizontal Bullet: To display the view as Horizontal Bullet

Unit of Measure

Displays, by default, the unit of measure that you selected while defining the KPI. You can change the unit as required.


Define ranges based on the business measure built. You can edit if required, and assign colors to the ranges using the 'Color Picker' option.

Show Legend

Select this option to view the legend information of the ranges and unit of measure. If you want to view only the guage, you must clear this option. This option is selected by default.

Render View on load check box

Select this option if you want to render the view while the page loads.

Gauge Details > Select Field

Click . The Select Gauge Field dialog box appears. Select a gauge field and click OK.

Gauge Details > Label

Type a label. The label denotes the description of the value. For example, Total_OrderAmount.

Time Frame

By default, the time-frame appears in the Business Measure. You can edit it as required.

Input Parameter

Refers to the value of the attribute for which you need dynamic input while designing the dashboard (as specified in Business Measure). Type the input values, depending on the parameter and its data type.

Table 3. APIs for the Business Measure Composite Control

API Name



Value can be "true" or "false". By default, the request is sent in asynchronous mode. To change the mode to synchronous, set setAsynchronous to "false", and invoke the refresh API to redraw the chart.


Use this API to redraw the chart.


This API returns the Chart object ,on which the APIs of Chart can be invoked

Table 4. Events for the Business Measure Composite Control




Fires when clicked on a data point on the chart. Sample usage is like this.

function Form_InitDone(eventObject)
function ondataclicklistenerFn(eventObject)
//eventObject.businessObject will give the businessobject as a JSON object for the clicked datapoint

The time values displayed will be based on the time zone of the client's browser in 12-hour format.

Related concepts

Web services

Related tasks

Selecting a Data-source
Building Query

Related reference

Process and Activity Monitoring Types
Select X-Axis Fields
Select Y-Axis Fields